Friday, April 27, 2012

Valentines Day

 Valentines Day this year was great! Ryan had a fun party at school, and they were invited to bring 'healthy' snacks for everyone. Ryan's mom didn't end up bringing anything for the party, so after waiting in the parking lot for 10 minutes (to make sure I didn't step on any toes) I brought in my apple trays for the class. Ryan's NaNa was the hero of the day, bringing in PIZZA for everyone! My life motto is "better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission". hehehe...

Here is Ryan and me at his fun class party!

NaNa had made up a cute Valentines Day bag for Lilly and Ethan and sent it home with me. Lilly had a blast tearing through it. She loved the blinking necklace and the cookie especially. Fun little balls and a bracelete and just really cute Valentines day novelties inside. What a sweet NaNa our kids have!

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