Ryan's birthday party this year was a NINJA party! He has been saying since LAST years party, that he wanted a lazer tag party this year. Then, when I asked him to confirm what he wanted, he changed his mind and said he wanted a party at the karate school. So, I was actually pretty thrilled to plan a big ninja party!
Lisa helped out so much. She made these adorable signs with her awesome creativity.
Coincidently enough, Lisa also got me these super cool ninja cookie cutters a month or so prior. They were PERFECT for the party! She came over and helped me put them all together.
Made some fun goodie bags, and again, Lisa helped me with making these really cool tickets for the front! I really wish I had her skills! She is an amazing woman, and has been such a huge help to me in so many ways.
The kids all got to do some karate, and play some fun games.
Here is the flying fish... poor fish. Greg was late to the party because he was getting the fish filled with helium for Ryan. Well it was a huge hit when it got there! Ryan was having a blast with it. Sadly, before we knew it, it was floating out the back door with the draft, and floated out into the mountains. :-( We felt so bad. The kids all were waving saying 'Bye fish!'. Poor Greg :-(
Ryan got to break a board to show all his friends how awesome he is at karate!
All in all, Ryan had a great birthday. I'll never forget the look on his face when we first walked in the school. I spent hours there getting it decorated for him, and I remember thinking to myself 'oh Christina, they are just 5 and 6 year olds! They DON'T CARE!'. (I was getting really flustered at running out of time... I'm bad at this whole time management thing...). But he walked in the school and said 'Hunnie! Look at this! Is all of this just for me and my party?!' I smiled and said 'yeah, see all the hard work I do for you!'. Being sarcastic, of course. He turned aound and looked at me, put his arms up in the air and with the biggest smile on his face he said 'Hunnie, this is the BEST birthday party EVER!!'. That was one of my most proud mom moments to date.
I know I'm not his mom... I know he has a mom that loves him very much... but I love this little boy like he is one of my own. I just want to mke him happy, and help raise him to be a good man. A man like his daddy. I want to be there for all of his important things in his life and stand there proudly for him. I want him to know and feel how loved he is. And I look forward to the many more years of stressful birthday parties, and plays and sports... And I've learned that I need to just chill out a bit. Because someday, he isn't going to be this little boy anymore that runs in the house with dirt all over and a big smile on his face, stained by some juice drink. Someday, all of this will be gone. All the stress and crazy times. And when it's all gone? I know I'm going to miss it like crazy. Happy 6th Birthday Ryan. Thank you for letting me be part of your life, and this special day. I love you more than I think you will ever be able to understand.

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