I'm loving Instagram, there are so many pictures I take on my phone that I love, but aren't exactly 'frame worthy' where I'm going to take the time to print them out and hang them on the wall. I love lookingat them though! So my solution was to combine my love of pictures and clean off the side of my fride from cutter. I decided to make a big magnet board to hang on my big blank wall in my kitchen.
I went to Hobby Lobby and foud this beauty. A gorgeous empty frame. It was expensive... Way more than what I was willing to spend on it. HOWEVER, Hobby Lobby has a coupon every week for one item 40% off. I planned to use that coupon. Surprise again, the item happened to be part of their weekly 50% off sale. So I got it for half price! Woohoo! I went down to Lowes and purchsed a piece of sheet metal that fit perfectly. I didn't have to trim it at all or anything. I also purchased some epoxy glue to stick it together.
Bobby put on the hanging wall anchors for me. Lilly waned to help.
Voila! There it is! It's a great additon to my kitchen, and looks lovely on that otherwise bare wall. I did something crafty finally! My next step was to put my instagram pictures on magnets... that's a different post.

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