Friday, February 24, 2012

Halloween 2011

Halloween this year was spent a little more blended.  Halloween was technically Ryan's mom's day to have him. She asked if we wanted to come trick-or-treating with them though, and he got to spend the evening with both parents and his brother and sister. It was a win-win! We went over to their house and Bobby (much to my surprise!) dressed up with me. I was a cat this year, and Bobby was... well, Bobby decided on Charlie Sheen this year. Hey, at least he dressed as SOMETHING. Right? Ha!

Lilly was a cute little bumblebee

Ryan was tough Ironman! He didn't like the mask much though. :-(

Lilly wanted to trick-or-treat with Ryan! She was running as fast as her little legs would carry her to those door steps! We didn't think she would have much to do with it, so we didn't bring her a sack. Oh man did she prove us wrong! Bobby gave her his hat and she used that. She was having a blast with Ryan going door to door. Ryan was so sweet about it. He would get to a door first, and they would be shutting it and he would stop them and say 'wait, what about my baby sister?!'. Such a good protective big brother! I'm so glad they aren't any further apart in age than they already are. They are such good friends, it's a beautiful thing to watch.

My poor little man was so tired. He passed out a few min utes into the festivities.

Sp0oKy Springs Preserve 2011

I'm not going to lie... Springs Preserve this year was tricky. Ethan was 3 months old, still breastfeeding every hour and a half, cranky, and I was absolutely sleep deprived. Lilly was running and walking around, and a toddler running around in the middle of a thousand people while Ethan is in the stroller alone. So while Ryan played games I was a bit overwhelmed with trying to keep Lilly in one spot and Ethan happy when he just wanted to eat. Jen and Karli came with us, and she was such a huge help. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing friend in my life. Karli is only 3 months older than Lilly, so she totally understands and is a huge help to me.

Ryan played his games, and had a fun time. We then made the trug to go trick-or-treating. It was really pretty cold, so the kids were snuggly in their coats.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2011

I'm about to do a huge picture dump... There are just too many cute ones to cut it down.

Our littlest pumpkin...

Our middle pumpkin

Our BIG pumpkin!!

I'm talking about our kids of course ;-)

My mom came and enjoyed the afternoon with us. She loves her grandbabies so much!

There aren't many of Ethan. It was really HOT that day, and really bright. I was worried about him getting a sunburn. Plus he was super tired and went to sleep for most of the trip.

I love pumpkin patches! Ryan got to go on all the rides and blow up; things they had. Lilly was having a blast walking around and picking up the tiny pumpkins. But boy was it hot outside... You can see my cheeks are a bit flushed.


So, Lilly got into something in the back yard. And by something, I mean dirt. She leaned over the planter walls and was playing in the dirt. It was all over her. I let her play, and then? It was bathtime. However, I didn't want all that dirt and gross stuff in my tub for me to have to clean after her bath. So, we just did it in the sink. She was apprehensive at first, but after a minute she realized this was fun. She had a blast in the sink. I've never been a sink bather... it just never appealed to me. I know a lot of people give infants baths in the sink, but it's always been just me bathing the babies, and I worry with slippery hands and what not. I don't need baby concussions from them banging their heads on the granite because my hands slipped off them.

Isn't that smile the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

Free Falling

A new restaurant opened in Boulder City back in September. It's all alien theme and Area 51 stuff everywhere. For the opening they had the 'drop in' people come out. Ryan was so excited to jump off this thing. I was a little as well, because it was the first cool thing I could do in 2 years. You can't do ANYTHING when you are pregnant... That's another post. So we get up and I think it was 12 feet first, and Ryan said 'higher!'. So, the kind operator took it higher. I think to about 15 feet. Ryan went up and would.not.jump. Bobby picked him up and said ok you don't have to. Then proceded to THROW him off. He screamed the whole way down and landed with the biggest smile I have ever seen on this child. He was screaming 'again again!!' before he was even out of the big pillow.

I have video somewhere on this computer... I'll have to upload it later. I have ths habit of just throwing all the videos on here and not naming them. Needless to say, that's a project on my 'to do' list. I went and jumped at the 22 foot mark. It was super scary. Fun, but it took me a few times before I actually jumped.
Bobby went up to the 32 foot mark. They said that he had to do it from there before they would let him go any higher. They obviously don't know who they are talking to. Here is his amazing backflip from the first jump. He is so comfortable in the air... just free. My husband isn't afraid of anything. He has more confidence than anyone I've ever met. He is fearless and strong. I am so blessed to have him as a husband and a father to my children to teach them to grow up and be like him. Bobby and Ryan both went a few times. It was a nice way to spend our afternoon.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lilly Loves Her Teeth

Lilly LOVES brushing her teeth

September Randoms

Enjoy our September Randoms! I plan (once I get cought up) to do weekly wrap up posts via instagram picturs. I promise I'll get cought up! I'm getting closer...