A new restaurant opened in Boulder City back in September. It's all alien theme and Area 51 stuff everywhere. For the opening they had the 'drop in' people come out. Ryan was so excited to jump off this thing. I was a little as well, because it was the first cool thing I could do in 2 years. You can't do ANYTHING when you are pregnant... That's another post. So we get up and I think it was 12 feet first, and Ryan said 'higher!'. So, the kind operator took it higher. I think to about 15 feet. Ryan went up and would.not.jump. Bobby picked him up and said ok you don't have to. Then proceded to THROW him off. He screamed the whole way down and landed with the biggest smile I have ever seen on this child. He was screaming 'again again!!' before he was even out of the big pillow.
Bobby went up to the 32 foot mark. They said that he had to do it from there before they would let him go any higher. They obviously don't know who they are talking to. Here is his amazing backflip from the first jump. He is so comfortable in the air... just free. My husband isn't afraid of anything. He has more confidence than anyone I've ever met. He is fearless and strong. I am so blessed to have him as a husband and a father to my children to teach them to grow up and be like him. Bobby and Ryan both went a few times. It was a nice way to spend our afternoon.

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