So, Lilly got into something in the back yard. And by something, I mean dirt. She leaned over the planter walls and was playing in the dirt. It was all over her. I let her play, and then? It was bathtime. However, I didn't want all that dirt and gross stuff in my tub for me to have to clean after her bath. So, we just did it in the sink. She was apprehensive at first, but after a minute she realized this was fun. She had a blast in the sink. I've never been a sink bather... it just never appealed to me. I know a lot of people give infants baths in the sink, but it's always been just me bathing the babies, and I worry with slippery hands and what not. I don't need baby concussions from them banging their heads on the granite because my hands slipped off them.
Isn't that smile the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

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