Another plus of the day, I had an AWESOME hair day.
My birthday was a lot of fun this year. Jen Jen was unable to come to my birthday dinner, so we had a mini celebration of lunch at olive garden. I am really slacking with the pictures this year... It was also little Karli's birthday on my birthday! She is a big 2 years old now! She came to share birthday lunch with me. She has a very sweet little disposition.
Later that night hubbs and I went to Yardhouse at Town Square with a big handful of some of my favorite people. Family, friends.... it was so fun to sit down and enjoy with them.
Hubby got me the BEST presents. Seriously, he is an amazing gift giver. His gifts are always perfect. I wish I had his tallent. So I got my Kitchen Aid mixer I've been wanting for YEARS!! I busted it out of the box and made Oreo cupcakes that I've had pinned on Pinterest for a while. Couldn't wait to use it! I also got an Olloclip for my iPhone! LOVE! It takes awesome pictures. I wasn't able to use it for a while because, well, I was a dummy and dropped my phone, shattered the back of it. BUT, IT WAS IN MY OTTER BOX WHEN I DROPPED IT!! So eff you Otter Box! I had to wait to get my back replaced, because if I took it out of the Otter Box, glass would go everywhere. But I absoluely loved my gifts. I have a great hubby.
Lisa got me this makeup pallete I've been coveting for quite some time. SO EXCITED! I use it almost daily. These colors are amazing. Now I want the Naked2 pallete. Ugh. I'm slowly getting more and more addicted to good makeup. At least I wait for sales! lol
Jaymz enjoying his drink at Yardhouse. Kenny got one as well, she didn't realize it was so big! It was hilarious to watch her drinking it because she is this TINY little thing. (lucky lady to be so little). It was so awesme that all these people came to celebrate with me. My bestie face and her man, Thomas, Miranda and Noah came! Lisa had a migraine (I think that's what happened? It's been almost 2 months and now I can't remember! lol) and couldn't make it, sadly. My mommy and sister both came. My in-laws all made it! Kenny and Josh I was so happy to see them. I jus love hanging out with them, such laid back cool people. Taryn and Alex made it out also. They are two treasures to have as friends. Megan and Monge came too! We hardly get to see them because they live so far away, but it was so awesome that they took time out of their evening to spend time with us for my birthday! Just such a great night filled with wonderful people. It's not often that you get such a good group of people around you. I take a lot of pride in the fact that Bobby and I have some true amazing friends in our lives.
Again, I suck at pictures. I think Kenny has some on her phone. I'll have to ask her to send some my way. What a great birthday it was! We were supposed to go go-carting after dinner, but we just stayed late, enjoyed conversation, and didn't get a chance to go. What a great day I had!

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