So I decided it would be fun to use sidewalk paint this weekend... Ryan always likes to do sidewalk chalk and color and stuff so I was thinking 'man he would LOVE sidewalk PAINT!' and he did... but he also remembered that when we 'paint' it's fun to paint HIMSELF and everyone else! lol. So we had fun painting the sidewalk, then himself, and then, my hair. haha. Bobby saw what was going on and wanted no part of it... not wanting any paint on him he he just watched and played photographer as Ryan and I played. Smart move on his part, because he didn't end up with pink hair like I did! It was fun times though =]
I've been playing with my paintshop pro a lot more lately, reading into what everything does and actually doing more than just touching up pictures and making them black and white. It's been a lot of fun! So I made this and it turned out really nice.

And just some fun pictures, Bobby's phone actually takes really good pictures!

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