In the midst of everything that happened, I forgot to blog about our

trip to Shark Reef
A few weeks ago we took ryan to Shark Reef in the Mandalay Bay. We had gone to the forum shops and Ryan loved seeing the fish in the

aquarium there, so we asked if he wanted to go see more fishies. His face lit up and said yes so we decided to go. We had a fun time! They have an area where you can 'pet' the sting rays which was really cool. Ryan wasn't too sure at first, but once Daddy did it, he wanted to try. We stayed in that area for probably the majority of our little trip. It was pretty cool. The jelly fish tank was my favorite

part of the exibit. It was just beautiful all the pink in the tank. hehe. There was a huge family in front of us, had like 12 screaming kids... so we sat back and hug around for a bit to wait for them to pass so we didn't have to listen to them the whole time. The best part of the whole trip was when Ryan saw 'patrick'. In the octopus tank they had starfish all over. Ryan saw one that was more pink-ish than the rest and his entire face lit up, he pointed and yelled 'Patrick! Hunnie Patrick!!' he did this little excited dance thing it was pretty funny how excited he was about it. Then he looked at me and said 'Where's Bob-Bob?'

I about DIED laughing. It was the sweetest thing I've ever witnessed. Then he wanted my camera to take a picture of Patrick, and then handed it to me and wanted me to take a picture of him standing in front of Patrick. After I took the picture he all but riped the camera out of my hand, and put it so he could review pictures (yea, he does that, he can almost work the camera better than me at this point) and just sat and looked at himself. lol. It was definitely the hilight of the day for me to see him so excited about something. Sadly the huge 80ft Octopus didn't make a showing while we were there. I don't know how big he was, 80ft is probably exaggerated, but he was supposed to be huge. We were kinda bummed. The end of the exibit was really pretty awesome, they made it like you are in a big sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean. They have sharks EVERYWHERE! They all just kind of rest at the bottom on the sand, it's something I didn't think sharks even did. My favorite thing seeing there was definitely the sea turtles! I love turtl

es, I've always loved turtles, I don't know why I just really like them. But I couldn't get a very good shot of them... The flash, no flash... it was hard to take pictures down there in the first place but the room that the turtles were in was SUPER dark and picture taking conditions with my little digital camera was less than ideal. The only good shot I got was when I did a video recording, my camera saves a thumbnail of the first frame so I'll post a picture of them on here. Horrible quality, but you get the point. All in all it was a really fun day, Ryan had a good time, Bobby loved it, he always has liked marine life so he was really interested in seeing all of the stuff

there, and I had a great time seeing the two of them have fun. I learned some stuff and saw some HUGE fish, and got to snap some cute pictures. I'll put a handfull of my favorites at the bottom of this post. I really like the Mandalay Bay, they have some really cool decor and it's a cool place to get some pic's. I really need to get a nice camera... most of these pictures would have turned out a million times better!
Oh! I have one more funny story about the day. So we were going through the casnio, and on one wall in the Mandalay Bay they have all these busts of people in the wall... legs, arms, faces, tummy's.... and BOOBS! lol so we go past and I see them and I kind of nudge Bobby, and then Ryan see's them and screams 'gonk gonk's!!' He ran up to them and jumped up to try to grab them... ay yi yi. People are walking by and laughing hysterically, it was seriously hilarious! For fear of getting reported or something I won't post the pic's but they are some seriously good black mail for this little boy for when he gets older... haha.
Here's some pictures!

Ryan posing because he wanted a picture with 'Patrick', but he stood right in front of him!

So I took a picture of his Patrick and him after he moved.

Daddy and Ryan standing in front of headless man, thought he looked cool.

On the boxes in the super dark room

Ryan being mischevious...


I put my camera on a certain setting while we were in the wierd lighting in the reef, and then forgot to change the setting once we left, so it took some blurry pics... booo...

Ryan hangin' with the sting rays
I thought this fish was cool...


the turtles!!!

he's such a spaz sometimes... but I love him =]

I love this picture because of his face in the reflection!

My favorite picture out of all of them
you got some beautiful pictures!
Maybe you and i can go buy a good camera for ourselves for Christmas..... Merry Christmas to us!
these are such precious pictures.
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