So the past couple of weeks Ryan has actually been taking full Tiny Tiger classes at the karate studio! Ryan has been playing with nunchucks and punching and kicking forever now. I'm sure he came out of Brandy and could do a front kick already. He has participated in Tiger classes for over a year now, but he hasn't actually taken a class. He would go in for a few minutes at a time, play a game, then wonder off and do his own thing. He always plays with the equipment, and comes in and bows in with the adult class and does the exercies we do, but up until just a couple weeks ago, he's never really sat through a full 30 minute class and shown interest in actually staying in the whole time.

Last spring

He put the gear on all by himself... lol

Last Fall
Sooooo, now he is taking full classes, wearing his uniform, he even has 2 stripes! So excited! Bobby is going to get him testing for his orange belt next testing. He has his moments of wanting to come off the floor and play with a toy some other kid has, but for the most part his attention span has improved a lot so he can actually take a full 30 minutes, and he's having fun! Which is the most important thing. =]

In uniform for his first REAL Tiger class...

Daddy taught him 'triangle choke' haha

Ryan's first REAL stripe!!
We are so proud of him!
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