uggghhhh I HATE bugs, especially spiders! So I walk downstairs and he's standing next to it wagging his tale, Ryan's on the luv sac and I start freaking out. Ryan's like 'Hunnie, what?' He was so confused I told him I didn't like spiders they were yucky and he goes, in the most calm voice ever, 'hunnie, don't look at it.' LOL! I just looked at him and started laughing I couldn't help it. I go 'don't look at it?' and he goes 'Yes! don't look at it!' watch sponge bob with me' This little boy is the best. He totally kept me from having a heart attack... goodness. Anyway, Bobby removed the spider, thankfully. Ryan kept calling it a lady bug and I kept having to tell him it was a spider... I have a lady bug magnet on the fridge and he likes to play with them and I think the name just got stuck in his head, b/c he called a butterfly a lady bug the other day too. haha.

1 comment:
ummm HELLLLOOOOOOOO that was NO SPIDER.. its a FREAKIN terranchula!!!!!! i would have DIED!
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