On the way to the beach, Bobby wanted a cheeto.. lol
Beach kisses are the best...
Ryan such a happy little boy
my awesome pictures of Bobby flying on the beach
I love this picture
The boys, enjoying their hole that they dug... lol
"You're the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to."
"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses"

Ryan hanging out with 'the king'

"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses"
We had such a great time!!!
The next day was Legoland. That place was awesome! I've never been there, but it is DEFINITELY the place to take younger kids! Way better than Disneyland (for the littler ones, we would have been secluded to Toon Town if we would have taken him there) for his age right now, and it was just such a nice fun day with them. Ryan was so excited when we got there I thought he was going to explode. Everything there is made out of legos! It's amazing! The first ride we went on was a boat ride and they had all kinds of scenery made out of legos, but the first thing was dinosaurs and Ryan was like 'oooohhh DINOSAURS!!!' He was SO excited to see them lol. We went on a ride that's like the ride at the top of the stratosphere, but smaller for kids and Ryan LOVED that. He asked to go on it again and again, ALL day long. It kind of freaked me out I'm not the best with heights but he was ready to do it 20 times in a row. lol. They have all kinds of different jungle gyms and big playgrounds and slides and things to climb and everything is SO interactive for them. He was just going 100 miles a minute the whole day. They have an entire land that's just a big water park. We could have spent the whole day in just that one area alone. Ryan loves water so he just spent probably a couple hours before we MADE him leave to go eat and see more stuff. He was just tall enough to go on most of the rides. There was a handfull he was too small for but he could go on 90% of everything that was there. Here are some pictures from our fun day!

Drove the boat ALL by himself, and no it wasn't on any kind of track
hangin with Dady
Us bein the goofballs that we are

Ryan hanging out with 'the king'

Does he ever stop climbing on things? No...
Showin the lego's who's boss... riiight. haha
Oh no he's going to get us!

The 3 of us getting ready to drive some boats... Lego boats!
Ryan picking out the color of boat he wanted. He wanted green, which happened to be the only one not working.. ugh. lol
I said 'smile!' to which he did for about .2 seconds and went on to squirt people with the gun
This ride was awesome, you shot targets and it gave you your score right in front of where you sat
1 comment:
u got some AMAZING photos!!!!
and ummm the BOAT doesnt look like a lego...... and was Bobby TRYING to look like shrek... cuz im seeing some similarities in those 2 photos!!!! Hahahahah
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