We went to see Nickleback and had a great time! Bobby bought tickets for us months ago, and I've been SO excited for months to see Nickleback live! I was also stoked to see Saving Able who was with them, but we got there 30 minutes late, and they had already gone! I was so bummed!! Lisa and Greg came over before we left for dinner so we could car pool. I made them a yummy pasta dish, and Greg scarfed down pretty much an entire pizza right before they came over!! lol. Anyway we got there and we had seats, but Lisa and Greg had gotten general admision so we had to split for a little while. We found them in the crowd and sent them pictures of themselves from our cells lol. So we get there, realize we missed Saving Able :-( and then Papa Roach comes on, they let stupid Papa Roach play for an entire dreadful hour... ugh. I'm not a huge fan of Papa Roach. I like the old stuff, like the stuff I listened to in highschool, but the new stuff is just not as good as it used to be. Anyway, Hinder played after Papa Roach, and they were good, but the sound was just piercing! The speakers were messed up or something, it was incredibly too loud. Once Nickleback took the stage though, it was smooth sailing. Perfect sound, great energy, they were awesome! Chad Kroger is an amazing entertainer. He really knew how to get the crowed pumped up, he talked between pretty much every song, cracked jokes, threw stuff at the crowd. It was awesome. After we got done we didn't get home till around 12:30-1:00 ish. I was soooo tired the next morning, but it was so worth it! I had a great time with my hubby-to-be. Such a good present for no reason at all other than just to make me smile =] He's too good to me.


Me and my amazingly handsome fiance
I always have to take a silly picture...
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