Ryan was invited to Aiden's birthday party last weekend. Tara did a great job of putting it together, they had it at a gym with all the trampolines and spring boards and foam pits, and they even put a bouncer in there for the kids. They had such a fun time! Ryan especially loved the foam pit. He didn't get it at first and was scared, then once he fell in it he realized it was fun. Aiden got to go on the harness that lets you do flips and stuff since he was the birthday boy. Everyone threw the square foam things at him when he bounced. It was a really cute party! Here's some pictures.
Twirling into the foam. He gets more and more like his dad every day!


Ryan and his girlfriend playing

The cake Tara's sister made. It was awesome!

my piece of cake, I thought it was cool lol

Loving the foam
He had soOooo much fun, he didn't want to leave.
getting a helping hand from daddy
happy birthday to Aiden!

Hanging out... hehe

And then started flipping...
"I can do anything that you can do, BETTER!"
The birthday party was a blast! Tara you did so great in putting it together!