Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Summer Vacation 2012

We've gone on vacation every summer. This year was tough to go to an amusement park with the babies so little. One was hard enough last year, two seemed impossible. So, we toned it down a bit this year, but still had a blast. We had our rough spots... but overall it was a total success. We went down to San Diego and did some training with our instructors, and went to the beach, and spent time with Bobby's Aunt and Uncle.

It was a great workout weekend with the Church's, we're so blessed to have awesome instructors like them!

I was still getting the weight off... I know.

They loved the hammock in Aunt Ellen and Uncle Dan's back yard. 

So much that they fell asleep in it!! haha!!!!

Is this face not priceless??? She was like 'Mommy it's DIRTY!!!'. HAHAHA!

This kid didn't have the time of day for us. He is a fish. Loves the water. I love that I have a pisces twin :-)

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