I know baptism doesn't save you. So that isn't what this is about. Our pastor at our awesome church puts baptism in a whole new perspective for me. In the new testiment, not one person was ever baptized without first the belief that Jesus Christ was the Savior. Baptism didn't SAVE those people, their relationship with CHRIST did. We do baptism as a public symbol, just like that of a wedding ring. When you take it off, that doesn't make you any less married, right? Same with baptism. We use it as a symbol of a start over, as our public display that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. That I believe he is our savior, that he is the only son of God.
My sister was baptized with me. It was an incredible experience that I can't really put into words. It makes me tear up thinking about that day. My sister and I have done everything in life together, and now this, finally.
Bobby got Ryan out of his class so he could be there to watch.
And then it was Nikki's turn.
Incredible feeling. I love my hubby, and I'm so glad he was part of this with me. He got me a beautiful cross necklace as a baptism gift. He is truly amazing.
These were some beautiful moments I had with my baby sis.

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