April was gorgeous. We had some beautiful days of great weather. The kids and I spent a lot of time at the park. I knew we had to soak it up before it got too hot to go in the middle of the day. With their nap schedules it's hard to just get out of the house to do anything. Ethan sleeps in the morning, then Lilly nps, then Ethan takes his second nap right as Lilly wakes up. 

I told them both "look at Mommy!' and see what happens?
He was falling asleep
He climbed up almost this whole slide
Lilly LOVES this. I would hold her and slide down and she got SO angry with me. She kept telling me 'no Mommy!' and pushing my arms away. I finally let her do it alone but had her dress (yeah like that was going to help if she let go suddenly, right?). She did it probably 10 times before I re-directed her attention to something else. Every time we go to this park she runs straight to it now.
Above all, my babies love the swings
On this day, Lilly wanted to swing first. She didn't want to get out. I kept asking her 'do you want to go slide?' and she kept telling me 'no, swing first'. She lierally was here for an HOUR swinging. Ethan fell asleep swinging. lol. After an hour I told her it was time to go home.
The last day of April, the splash parks opened. They just built a new one right by my mom's house. Lilly LOVES it. She had such a blast. Ethan isn't too fond of the cold water, and spent the afternoon on my hip. lol.
I love these toddler years. They are so interested in things and are learning so much. Lilly is so smart, she says full sentences, and picks up on things every day. Ethan is on the verge of walking. Things ar finally starting to get easier.

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