Cake Pops
She likes to sit on the top of the couch... lol
Macro lense from my olloclip
Lilly sharing her fishies with Ethan
Ethan loved the mirror at my mom's house
Happy birthday, mommy!
me and bestie-face at my birthday dinner
Birthday present #2
Me and hubby on my birthday
Bathtub crayons. Probably my worst parent decision to date
Playing together
My baby boy
Best friends
Just chillin
Morning happies
Loves the swing
My beautiful vegetable garden. Before the dogs destroyed and ate it all.. :-(
The Easter Bunny at the mall. He wouldn't pose for a picture unless you paid the $20 for the professional one. Sorry, wasn't in the budget. But we have this really cool blurry one!
Ethan loved Uncle Tony and Auntie Casey's ferrets... even if I'm not the biggest fan ;-)
Lilly sleeping at Uncle Tony and Auntie Casey's house
'Look mom, I learned how to climb stairs!'
Bobby felt the need to put my sports bra on Roxy for some reason... ?
I was getting ready to take a picture of her feeding herself. She covered her eyes and said 'No mommy!'. Oh my...
Sleepy boy asked if he could lay with me for a few minutes. He was out like a light in less than 5
Ethan playing with Ryan's mom's new squeeky toy. I mean gerbille. I mean... dog?
mischevious at Nana's
Clapping in the back yard
Look how big my boy is getting!!
Welcome to the world, baby Blake!

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