I have this OCD thing about me, and I need to re-do the top one. My measurements were off, and the fabric overlaps the books on the bottom one. Going to drive me nuts. Also? Notice how I wasn't paying attention when I was sewing, and the letters are all facing to the right? Yeah, my OCD brain can't handle it. I went back to the fabric store for more, and guess what? In true Christina fashion, that print is GONE. I'm going to check back again this week, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. If anything I'll just get a nice complimentary color or pattern, but I'm bummed because I REALLY like that pattern! Oh well.
I should say that the top one is measured to what the blog tutorial says. Then I tried to put all the little baby books in it, and realized that the little baby books were being swallowed by the depth of the fabric. You couldn't see the front of the books, which was the whole point in this in the first place. I went back and cut it shorter and brought a book with me to check what it would look like in it before I did any more sewing. So the bottom one is basically the tutorial measurement cut in half. Sort of. Also, My dowels were not as long as the tutorial said to be. So the first one I measured out according to the tutorial, then realized after I was done with it that the fabric was WAY too long for my dowels I got. Fail! So after a few mistakes I finally got it to where I wanted it to be. I'm really pleased with how cute it came out. I'm going to do 2 more levels, then get some vinyl cut out with a cute saying to put by the books. I want to get a nice (not crappy, but not LuvSac pricey) bean bag to put in the corner. I've seen some really cute 'reading nooks' on pinterest. I'm not going to get too crazy though.
I'm so pleased with my project! It was a lot of fun, helped me get more famiarized with my sewing machine, and I got to free up some space by getting an actual spot for books!

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