Lilly wasn't sure exactly what was going on at first. Until Ryan showed her that there are cool eggs hidden everywhere. She caught on pretty quick. After that she was on it.
The Easter Bunny brought the kids some books, cool new Sponge Bob goggles for the pool for Ryan, new socks, crayons and a blank pad of paper for Lilly, binkie's for Ethan. They got some sweet stuff!
Ryan was so helpfu showing his little sister how to find eggs
Then they realized that the Easter Bunny had left some BIG eggs outside! They were full of sidewalkchalk, some chocolate bunny's (that sneeky Easter Bunny knew I said to keep the candy in the eggs, and he did!) bubbles, some really cool crazy straw easter cups, and a few other odds and ends.
Lilly was sharing. She picked up the Easter egg and said 'Chica hold it, hand'. SO ADORABLE
Ethan was really eager to get his little hands on the eggs. Then he tried to eat them. FAIL. Don't worry, the egg was taken out of his mouth after this picture was taken.
Ryan found more eggs and Lilly was clapping for him saying 'Yayyy brother!!'. She is so excited when he does anything. She looks up to him and loves him so much. Nothing like watching your kids and that sibling bond they have with one another.
Sweet babies. They were all dressed and ready for church
I think this may be one of my favorite pictures of all time.
My sweet boy with Lilly's bunny ears on.
Bobby took some nice pictures of me and my little man. My how he is getting so big.

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