This Easter was Lilly's very first one! I feel a little bad, because I didn't make her a basket or anything. She is a baby, she has no idea what is going on, so I sort of skipped it. I know I know, worst mom ever award right? I felt even MORE bad when Nana made a cute one up for her. ;-) Darn you NaNa!!! haha.
Uncle Ben and Auntie Erika came over the night before to color eggs. We had a nice time trying to combine different colors to make new colors. We had a small misshap, and I now have a nice orange stain on my carpet. *sigh* Next year we will do this in the garage. haha!
The next morning we woke up, and the Easter bunny had come to visit our house!! Ryan was very excited about finding eggs. He remembered that the Easter bunny had left eggs in the blinds last year, and he was quite pleased with himself when he saw they were there again.

Do you see that green egg, just sitting on the coffee table? Well, Ryan missed it. Probably walked past it 5 times looking desperately for more eggs. We even started telling him 'hot' and 'cold'.

Princess is crawling around wondering what all the fuss was about, and why mommy was snapping pictures left and right.
And that's when she saw it. The green egg. Ryan turned around and exclaimed 'where did she get that?!'. Well Ryan, she saw it sitting in plain sight, right on the coffee table. He was a bit miffed he had missed it. He tried to put it in his basket and we had to explain that LILLY found it, that he had plenty more to find. Ahhhh, the sharing... he is learning ;-)
And the next thing we knew, she had busted it open. yummmmy jelly beans! (Don't worry, I took them away asap, I just wanted a few pictures first)
And these were the best pictures I could get of them later that morning. *sigh* we are going to have to work on this whole 'posing' thing. They have PLENTY of years to practice!! *insert evil laughter here*. Mommy is a picture taker, they are gonna have to learn and smile nice and complain about it later. hehehe
Lilly girl had a great first Easter and Ryan had a nice suggar filled day as well. ;-)
We spent the morning at church, then the park, and then home for some nice family time.

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