She absolutely loved the swings
Ryan's new sport you ask? Why, that would be baseball!
Ok ok, so it was really T-ball, details details. He did an amazing job during T-ball season! He was a natural at it. Amazing accuracy with throwing the ball where it needed to go (although, no one else was coordinated enough to actually catch it, lol). He definitely is a gifted boy!
I'm learning a few things here and there about it. I can't wait to really sink my teeth into it though. Photography is something that has been a quiet passion of mine for years now. I just never had the time/energy to do it. Well, I really want to dedicate some of my time to it. I've decided that I'm going to take a photography class this fall. Among other classes to finish my degree... that's a different post though.
I'm loving using it and getting to be more familiar with the buttons and what all the modes are. Hopefully I can take some nice snap shots to share with our family.Disclaimer, I look absolutely horrid in this picture, but I have to post it for Lilly and Karli's sake. I have no idea why I was positioned to look as 'special' as I look here. Ignore me, look at the babies.