She is a little crawler. She goes everywhere! She is starting to try to climb ON to things now. Any box that looks low enough she attempts to get on top of. She crawls over Emmett when he is blocking her now. She is a strong little girl. She has discovered the dog food bowl. She crawls to the darn kitchen every chance she gets now. Dog food. Yum...

She started eating solids. Sort of. I finally found something she will eat. She loves the organic baby food that is in the pouches. Which is a plus for me because they are NO MESSES! However, getting her to sit in her little chair and eat is becoming more and more difficult. I see needing a highchair very soon in our future. She will take a few bites then crawl away from me. Or she will wiggle out of her Bumbo seat. The dogs try to lick her after every bite. It's becoming an 'issue'. High chair; ASAP!
She is starting to realize what we are 'doing'. Like, the things we're holding or using. She is noticing what her brother is doing most of all. Whatever he might have, she is very interested in it. She like to 'help' Ryan play video games. *snicker*. He tells her "Lilly, you can WATCH me! NO touching! Video games aren't for babies...". It's probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

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