So, Ryan is weeks into his soccer playing. He is loving it. He has had a lot of fun. His teamates are great, and he seems to play with them well. He has had a few funny moments while playing. He has grabbed the ball and sat on it in the middle of a play, he has grabbed it and held it with his hands, he has kicked the ball the wrong direction, he has been hilarious really. Everyone loves coming to watch him and cheer him on.

Side kicks, in soccer?

Ryan leading the pack

That's Ryan. On the ground. Holding the ball. Yup. haha

Bobby is assistant coach, and I think it's been great that he's so involved in everything Ryan has going on. It's great bonding time.

Ryan is #4 Just like his Auntie Erika was! So was his grumps when he played soccer. It's crazy how my family has this weird thing with numbers. Ryan loves the number 4, because he is 4. I wonder if it will change to 5 once he has his birthday... hmm...
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