Have you ever heard of it?
It's the coolest thing since sliced bread!!! It is pretty much a treasure hunt for adults. Well, kids too. It's for everyone. What people do is they hide little canisters all over the world. They enter the coordinants of where it is at in the database, and then you are able to get the coordinates to find what was hidden! Some are very very small, some are big! You can leave little things in some of them if they are big enough, and some are so small that all there is is the log. OH! The log. Well, in each geocache, there is a log left. You can write your name on it and it's amazing to see the number of people who have signed these!
So, I found out about this, and I figured we HAD to do it. I asked Ryan if he wanted to go treasure hunting, and he was all for it! Husband was a little less than enthusiastic... he doesn't see the point unless you get something out of it, like money. Ugh... he came along none the less.
So I downloaded the app to my iPhone (because who can do anything without their phone now a days right?) and it showed me that there were 3 right within a half a mile of our house! Awesome! So we set out walking.
We got to the other side of our wall from our housing comunity, and the title of this geocache was 'a bugs life'. We spent about 3 minutes looking and then Bobby had an idea to look inside one of the little canister things that holds the extra irrigation hoses. And low and behold there it is!!
We walked about another half a mile and looked for the second one. I had a really really cute picture of me and Ryan when we found it. But I took it on my phone, and my phone took a poop a couple of weeks ago and the memory was wiped. :-(. The title was 'yellow submarine' and the canister was a cute little yellow thing. It was about the size of a large drinking glass.
My mom and I have found a few. It's a silly little game, but people do it all over the world! Check out the website, it's really fun! I bet you could find a few within a mile of your house.

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