My last pregnant picture.
I decided that there's no way I can tell the whole story in one sitting. One, I don't have that much time on my hands with a newborn, and a 4 yr old running around half the time. Two, you would all get tired of reading about 1/3 of the way through and just skip to the pictures anyway. So without further adue, I will begin to tell the story of Lilly's birth.
I guess I have to start at my 39 week appointment. Hubs came to pick me up from work and took me to my almost last appointment (which ended up really being my last). My doctor saw me, and informed me that my blood pressure was getting higher and higher. She was worried I was going to develop preeclampsia. My feet were the size of soccer balls and she told me to tell my boss I needed to 'sit' at work. I reminded her I sit every. single. day. She got a 'oh-not-good' look on her face, and told me it would be in my best interest if she induced me ASAP. She wanted to do it that afternoon! um, no. Sorry, I need a little mental preparation. She sent me back to work with a 'start maternity leave immediately' note, and we went home. I was in the hospital Saturday night at 7PM for them to put the Cervadell in me.
We get to the hospital and the nurse with long fingernails put in the cervadell. O-M-G. I do not tollerate pain well. I'm a big baby. Sorry. This woman had to put this tampon thing inside of me to soften my cervex. Well, it had to go REALLY far up me. Needless to say, this woman had some nails. I was shreeking in pain, squeezing the crap out of my little sisters hand, and crying. This woman had the audacity to tell me her nails 'weren't that long'. That woman must have been high.

The monitors, and the crazy finger nail biotch nurse
The night was uncomfortable. The darn blood pressure machine kept waking me up, and the monitors were uncomfortable. I woke up the next morning and nothing had happened. I was 'almost' 2 cm dialated. Which, I think the nurse was just trying to be nice and make me feel like I acomplished SOMETHING. They said they were going to have to induce me with Pitocine. (I don't know how it's spelled. Sorry). Around 10AM they came around and started the Pit. About 30 minutes went by and I was good. I was having some contractions but they wren't bad and I was feeling really optimistic that I could do this without the aid of pain meds. And then it hit. I started getting wave after wave of contractions about 30 seconds apart, and so strong, I was getting nautious. Epidural man came around and asked if I wanted an epidural. I held out and said no. 10 minutes later I was screaming for him to come back. It was the most horrible, excruciating pain I've ever experienced in my life. Bobby knew how much I wanted to do it without an epidural, but we briefly talked, and we knew I just needed to be comfortable. I decided to get the epi.
I just remember crying and screaming for Jesus to help me through this. My husband was beside himself, he was in tears just because I was in so much pain. I just remember him looking at me with a look on his face of complete helplessness. Really, there was nothing he could do, but I know he was wishing he could. Epi-king came back. THANK YOU JESUS! He was amazing. It was all I could do to sit still while he stuck it in my back. I was terrified of an epi prior to this, I wanted to do it without an epidural, but being induced definitely changed that. Had I gone into labor naturally, and progressed without needing the Pit, I am sure I could have done it without the epidural, but that Pit changes everything. It intensifies the contractions and makes them go on top of eachother. Once I got the epidural it was smooth sailing. I had the best epidural of all time. I could still move my feet and toes, but everything else from the waist down was numb.

After the epi, I wasn't allowed to get up (duh). I was tagged as a 'fall risk' and didn't get out of that bed after that. They put a catheter up in me so I didn't pee all over myself. I didn't know I'd need one of those after getting an epi... didn't think that through very well. I'm still working on getting full control over my bladder again because of it. :-(
The rest of the day was honestly a blurr... I don't remember much. I remember people coming in and out. I remember Shannyn and Jen Jen getting there and being so greatful for them. I remember being in the middle of a conversatin, with a room full of people, and then waking up to my hubby sleeping in the corner and the room empty. Aparantly I took a few little naps throughout the day.

These are just a few of the pictures before Lilly came...
In baby story part 2 I'll go into more of what real labor was like, and how pushing a 6lb human being out of me wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
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