4th of July this year was low key, but very relaxing and nice. We asked Taryn and Alex to spend the afternoon with us at the pool. We went to Bobby's mom's house and played all afternoon. Ryan is getting so great at swimming. We had some yummy BBQ, played us some Marco Polo and basked in the sun. Lilly slept almost the whole afternoon.

That evening, we went to Boulder City to see their spectacular firework show! They sure know how to do it! They have a really awesome 4th of July extravaganza. We were supposed to spend some of our afternoon there, but we just didn't get a chance. (Had too much fun in the pool hehe). We got a parking spot right as they were starting. We had a great seat! Ryan sat on Bobby's shoulders and on the roof of the car and watched them with us. In years past he hasn't been the biggest fan of the fireworks. We were a tad worried. He did great! There were a few that were much louder than the rest and he got a bit tense but otherwise, he enjoyed them! Lilly slept through it all. Seriously... They were SO loud, and she slept through the WHOLE THING! Goodness that baby... lol. 

That evening, we went to Boulder City to see their spectacular firework show! They sure know how to do it! They have a really awesome 4th of July extravaganza. We were supposed to spend some of our afternoon there, but we just didn't get a chance. (Had too much fun in the pool hehe). We got a parking spot right as they were starting. We had a great seat! Ryan sat on Bobby's shoulders and on the roof of the car and watched them with us. In years past he hasn't been the biggest fan of the fireworks. We were a tad worried. He did great! There were a few that were much louder than the rest and he got a bit tense but otherwise, he enjoyed them! Lilly slept through it all. Seriously... They were SO loud, and she slept through the WHOLE THING! Goodness that baby... lol.
Our 4th of July was awesome. I'm glad we spent the afternoon relaxing in the pool and playing games and eating BBQ. I am glad we didn't lug around our 1 month old baby at a park. That would have been hard. Next year will be easier, she will be more mobile :-)

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