Well, I guess this post is about me & it involves baby. So, essentially I am sharing with SOMEONE right?
I entered my third trimester almost a month ago now. Let me just say man-oh-man I miss second trimester! The third is really begining to kick my butt. I'm bigger (duh...), I'm becoming more and more uncomfortable, I'm starting to feel hungry all day again, my energy has plumeted, and bending over is proving to be quite difficult b/c I have a big ball in the way. There is good news though!! I'm almost done!! I have about 60 days left. 2 months! Can you believe it? I am in disbelief right now. It kind of hit me today because I'm starting to have to delegate what my duties are at work and figure out who is going to do what while I'm on maternity leave. Wow, what a feeling to not have to go to work every day (although, I'm sure being a mommy to a new born is going to be more than a 40hr a week job!).
I am begining to think of all the things I'm spoiled with in having Ryan and how easy it is (ok ok, maybe EASY isn't the word, but just to get my point accross...). I can tell Ryan to let the dogs out and he does it. I can count on Ryan to grab his shoes and a jacket. He helps me clean, he likes to spray the furniture polish and wipe stuff down, he's quite fond of spraying windex on the mirrors for me, we are a cleaning team! haha! He cleans his own room, he knows that that's his responsibility. He is able to feed himself and get himself dressed. He goes potty on his own, he puts his own plate away after dinner and sets the table before dinner. He really does SO many things on his own! Which, is wonderful but I mean, now we're going to have this little baby around that won't be able to do ANYTHING without assistance! I thought Ryan kept me running... man, am I in for a rude awakening or what? At least I have comfort in that I have Bobby and Ryan both to help and support, and for that I am truly blessed. I know we will be fine, there's just so many things in my life that are going to be so different once she is here! I'm anxious and scared, but so excited for the challenge. I feel like Bobby is so much more prepared, he knows what to expect, what's going to be normal, what to actually be worried about. I don't want to be the crazy parent that brings their baby to the Dr. with every sneeze, so hopefully Bobby will keep me in check. ha!
Ryan seems to be getting excited for his sister. At lest, I think he is. He told me last week 'Hunnie, Lilly is getting bigger!' hahaha! Yes, yes she is. He talks about her quite frequently, which is surprising to me. He talks about her jumping on the trampoline with him when she comes and see's toys on the TV all the time and asks us if we can go buy it for her, it's quite sweet. I wonder what he thinks in his head? I know he has been around Cole, he's his grandpa's sister's baby (got that?), Ryan's grandma watches him sometimes and Ryan knows that he's a baby, and I think he's connected that Lilly will be a baby like Cole for a while... I wish I knew what went on in that imaginitive brain of his! I'm really excited to see him interact with his sister. I just want them to be best friends. I want Ryan to know how much she's going to look up to him as her big brother. I wonder what they are going to be like when they are older?? Time will tell I suppose.
Ok done with my ramblings. Just some thoughts that entered my head... Hope everyone's Easter was as wonderful as ours was :-)

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