Bobby's friend gave me a starter bag for Amish Friendship Bread. I've attempted this before, and ruined it before it even came time to BAKE the bread. Yea, I ruined it while it was in the plastic bag 'fermenting' still. Go me. So THIS time, I was determined to stay on top of it. Day 10 was yesterday, and I was so excited! So I get home, do a couple of things, and then get to my bread. I add everything in, seperate the other starter bags etc... my arm is killing me from stirring (because you don't use a beater for this, it's not the amish way I guess... I think next time I might just say screw it and use it. I don't want to subject my arm to that kind of torture again). Well I get to adding cinnamon. The directions say 1tsp. I have a severe case of pregnancy brain, and it's only so severe, because I can barely function on a daily basis without screwing up before I ever even got pregnant. I have the 2 tablespoon spoon in my hand. I get it full of cinnamon, pour it in, and just stare at it.
I poured 2 TABLESPOONS of cinnamon into a batter that only asked for 1 TEASPOON! WTF is wrong with my brain??? How did I actually do that??
I bake the bread anyway. Because at this point, I've invested way too much of my time to quit now. Who knows, maybe I've just invented the best cinnamon bread ever, right?
Not only was it not good, but I failed to put the little bread pans, inside a bigger pan to catch any 'overflow', thus, creating a huge bread gook MESS in my beautiful stove, that NOW I'm going to have to get my big pregnant butt bended over to clean for God only knows how long to get it all out. Oh sure, my oven has a self cleaning feature, but I don't know how to use it, and I'm not sure if I trust it. I mean, how does an appliance clean itself???
I should have taken a picture of my lovely disaster, but by that time, I just was ready for bed.
I'll try again in 10 days, and let you all know how wonderfully that turned out.
P.S. I started my Easter blog yesterday, but it's not done, so it's sitting in my drafts. I know I know, I'm a blogging failure. Get over it. lol