Valentine's day this year marked mine and Bobby's first married Valentines day! He made the whole day special. I woke up to my favorite little 3 year old walking in my room with a balloon for me. (Of course, he asked if we could share) I went downstairs to a beautiful arrangement of pink and red roses, with lilly's and baby breath. A beautiful card. And of course, a new purse accessory with pretty C's=]
We spent the afternoon at the park with Ryan and the dogs. Ryan played some soccer with daddy (We definitely have to get him on a team when the season starts, he's a total natural just like his daddy!) The dogs ran and ran and ran, Emmett tried to make friends with anyone who came to the park. It was a nice afternoon! Ryan spent the evening with grandma, and Bobby took me out to eat on the strip. It was very fancy. Here's where we went.

KIDDING! Here's where we really went.
It was so beautiful inside! It was very swanky... I had the best fillet of my life! The food was exquisite. I wish we could eat like that every night! Bobby was sad he couldn't have that kind of food every night as well.

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