Getting ready was a nightmare. I'm 6 months into my pregnancy, and my bump is really getting in my way lately! I figured I could just throw on one of my dresses and it would be fine. BOY was I wrong! My boobs are huge (Not bragging in the least, they are seriously out of control, and 80% of my shirts don't fit because they don't fit in the boobs. It's become quite a problem) and it was extreemly difficult sifting through all my pretty dresses and only coming uppon 2 that would work. Both no sleeves. and it was COLD! Ok, not freezing, but it was raining all morning and all the way up to the ceremony it was raining. COLD! I complained to Bobby as I pulled dress after dress out of my closet to no avail. *sigh* Finally found one, I'll have to post a pre pregnancy pic of me in it and then the one of me and Bobby. haha!
The ceremony was held in their neighbors back yard. Beautiful back yard! It was like a tropical island paradise. I would die for a back yard like this one! I wish I would have gotten more pictures of it...
After the ceremony we went back next door to the Matthews house for the reception. They had accomodated all the guests by putting up tents outside so not everyone was stuck in the house. Beautiful day and I'm so excited for my friend! I'm glad he is happy, and can find some happiness in life after it had delt him and all those close to him some very sad months previous.

1 comment:
you CANT EVEN seeee the baby in this pic!!! dang u wearing black!!! hahahah
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