So, I have some really exciting news to share!
are you sure you're really ready?
OK ok ok I'll tell you!
I'm going to be a mommy!!!!!

(Right after I found out)
Did you let that sink in a bit?
Ok so now the juicy details. Oh but wait, I have more news….
Bobby and I already got married a couple of months ago, and didn’t tell anyone!!
Mr. & Mrs. Erdman

(This was taken the day I found out. We had taken Rya to the park earlier and we took this while we were there)
Did you let that sink in yet??
Ok so now the explanation of what on earth is going on! So, no we didn’t get married because I’m pregnant. Definitely not! We got married back in August, because we both know that God wouldn’t want us living together and not be married. I don’t really care what anyone else thinks about it, because it’s between us and God. So, we went down to justice of the peace one night, and just did it. The only two people we told were our mommies. They were the only 2 other people that we felt needed to know, as we were still planning our grand wedding in April.
Fast forward a bit
Saturday night I was planning on staying home and baking cupcakes with Ryan and Shannyn. That afternoon I found out Tara was at home with no kids so I told her to come too. Bobby went to see some MMA fights with his lover Anthony (hehe) at the M. I was excited for a girl night! I was talking to Tara, and I don’t even remember how it came up but my period was late and I told her. She insisted on bringing a pregnancy test for me to take. I laughed because I told her it was ridiculous and I wasn’t pregnant, I just figured my body was changing and I was a tad late…. So she gets to my house, I take the test… and… well… turns out I really am pregnant! At first I was in shock, I didn’t even know what to say. I just stood there with my hands on my face. I think I cried after that, because of 2000000 emotions running through me, and then I was just so extremely excited!

So our cupcakes that we were planning on making were going to be pumpkin cupcakes, that plan quickly turned into ‘lets tell Bobby I’m prego with the cupcakes’. The frosting is orange because they were supposed to be pumpkins....
So I made him these =]

Then I got a plain t-shirt out of Ryan’s closet, and wrote a message on it that said “I’m going to be a big brother” and switched his shirts quick. Ryan passed out probably 20 minutes later, so my plan was a tad foiled, but I still had my awesome cupcakes. By this time it was way past my bedtime. Tara had left earlier to go take care of some things, Shannyn left after we looked up baby names, and I went to bed.
Bobby came home and I heard his car, Ryan woke up with me, so I grabbed him out of our bed and ran downstairs and we stood in the landing in the stairwell to watch his reaction. Bobby saw the cupcakes and I think he was just really confused. His face was kind of funny. He looked up at me and I think he said something like ‘seriously?’ and I nodded and he ran upstairs and just grabbed me and Ryan and hugged us and we were laughing and I was half way crying and it was just probably one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I showed him the t-shirt I made him and he liked it. =]
In the aftermath we told our parents first, sent a picture to Lisa of Ryan wearing the shirt, told our close friends, and now I’m telling everyone =]

We went to Target and got a couple pregnancy books because I have NO idea what I’m doing! I don’t know anything about this. After reading on it though, I’ve learned quite a lot! I had been complaining of being exhausted half way through the day for a couple of weeks, and of back pain. I’ve also been getting out of breath a lot lately! Even from just walking up a flight of stairs I find myself almost panting, I was thinking I was totally out of shape or something and that it was really sad I was out of breath after walking up stairs…. I found out that you produce 50% more blood once you conceive, so it makes you way more prone to being out of breath even after just walking down the hall. Also that your first trimester it’s normal to be tired all the time. Just little things I’m learning and it’s so nice to know I’m not just a ‘weenie’ as Thomas would say. Lol. I’m so very excited!!

Lisa brought Noah and Thomas over on Sunday to visit me and greet me with balloons and a rose to congratulate me! They hung out for a while, then Greg, Tony, and Casey came over. I told everyone I would cook, but they wanted take out instead (totally cool with me!) so we all sat and had dinner and watched a little Pirates because Ryan loves pirates right now, and just had a really nice evening. It was so nice of them to come over and bring me balloons and stuff.

I’m so incredibly blessed. To everyone who has told me congratulations and everyone who has said I'm already an amazing mom and not to worry, I thank you. I am so excited for this journey that our little family is about to embark on. I'm so excited for Ryan to have a little brother or sister. I can't wait for them to meet. =]