Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lied Childrens Discovery Museum

I decided I'm really bad at remembering to update this... In all fairness, we moved 2 weeks ago and life has been INCREDIBLY hectic! We don't even have internet at home yet. So please forgive my neglect! =]

A few weeks ago we took Ryan to Lied Children's Discovery Museum. Bobby thought he would have fun there. Myself not having grown up here, had NO clue this place even existed. It was probably the coolest thing for kids ever. We ended up staying for about 3 1/2 hours and Ryan had a blast. Bobby and myself had a lot of fun as well. For the summer they have the 'gross-ology exhibit' there, and you're supposed to learn about all the 'gross' stuff that goes on in your body. Informative, but definitely GROSS!! The first exhibit you come to is 'smells'. They have an explanation about how the odors that come out of your body are due to certain bacteria in those parts of the body. They had 4 or 5 little nozzles you had to squeeze the bottle, and guess the smell. Well they weren't pleasant!!! They had 'feet' and 'armpit' and 'fart' and the last one was 'anus' it really was GROSS!!! Bobby smelled the 'anus' one and I thought he was going to puke right on the floor. His face was priceless though. He tried to get Ryan to smell, and he did and he got all mad and said 'eewwww'. It was great. There was also a lifesize opperation! like the game you had as a kid, but big! that was what I liked, I was so excited. haha. They had a bubble area and of course Ryan was infatuated by it. The cool big bubble maker was the best! You stand on a platform and then pull the rope and it surrounds you with a big bubble! but you have to do it just right for it to work. But they had a whole bubble station to make big bubbles small bubbles. Ryan loved that part.

They had a play place for todlers, Ryan is just at the cusp of that height. He's getting so tall! so he played there for a bit, they had a plane you can fly which he spent a lot of our time there in. Kids and their imaginations, I wish as adults we could have the same imagination we had as kids. Life would be so much more fun! While flying the plane there was a little boy that didn't want Ryan to fly the plane,so he kept grabbing his arm trying to take it off of the wheel. It happened about 3 times before Bobby and I both looked at eachother pretty much at the same time and said we wondered how many more times Ryan was gonna let the bratty kid do that before he punched him. lol, after it continued and Ryan started getting worked up we decided to grab Ryan and go play with other stuff, since the other kids parents weren't doing anything to detur their child from being a snotty brat. I swear I don't understand other parents some times... Anyway, we did all kinds of stuff and were there for hours. Ryan did some sand art and he loved all the colors, he kept saying the colors and pointing to what he wanted, and poured it in the bottle. At first he grabbed a pen to fill with sand but it was so small, we switched and got a bottle. We went in a hurricane simulator where the winds were over 80 mph and that was cool. They had a lot of block movers and leavers teaching kids how pullys work and stuff. They had just a lot of really cool stuff there that was educational and fun at the same time. Ryan didn't want to leave. It will definitely be a place we visit again.

Making sand art

The finished product!

Daddy is the best teacher

I love this picture.

In the hurricane simulator, lovin it!

Playing, he had a blast!

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