Now gets to the fun stuff. 2 weeks ago, me, Bobby, Tony, and Casey had to move everything out of my storage and into my apartment and garage. The lease was up yesterday, so all weekend Bobby and I moved everything out of the apartment and put it in storage. But not everything fit, so everything else had to go in his mom's house, in Erika's old room. I have so much STUFF!!! it's ridiculous!!! I even gave away my desk and big TV table stand thing to good will!!! I mean, I know I had an apartment before, but still it's just so much! So it took us all day Friday to move all the furniture and boxes. Saturday was spent cleaning everything and trying to keep packing all the miscellaneous stuff. Bathroom stuff, kitchen stuff, just stuff! For the little that I had at my house to do, Ryan sure did have fun. He helped me clean which was too cute. I asked him to stay out of the bathroom b/c I was spraying bleech and didn't want him breathing it or touching anything so once that was done he asked if he could help. I said of course and he wanted my gloves I had on. (the ugly yellow rubber ones) So I put them on his little hands and they went up past his elbows it was hilarious. Then he took my squeegee and put it in water and then did the mirror b/c he saw I was doing it. After making it a mess again (haha) I finished the counters and everything and then it was time to mop. I didn't want him slipping and falling so I asked him to stand in the hall and watch. After 5 seconds of me doing it he was in the bathroom grabbing the mop saying 'let me dooooo it'. So I caved and let him mop a bit. After a minute or so I said it was my turn, and then he got distracted and played with Bella. But he kept asking to clean! it was too funny.

That evening we went to dinner at Outback with Carol, Jonny, Bobby's Grandma, and it was soooooo yummy. Ryan passed out in the car and slept till the food came. After that it was off to the house to unload more 'stuff'. the stuff being my clothes and pillows for the couch. I got a brilliant idea when we got there to play a joke on Lisa. She's been so gracious in offering me a place to stay until we get the paperwork for the house finalized, I had to show my appreciation by trying to give her a heart attack. I had probably close to 15 bags of clothes in our cars. (what can I say I like to shop!) so I thought it would be funny to load up one of the cars with all the bags, go to Lisa's and ask her to help bring in 'some of the stuff I was gonna need for the week' We totally picked the wrong time to try to play a joke on her b/c she had a headache and I could tell wasn't in the best of moods. She totally was wayyyy too calm about it though! She saw the bags and says 'ok yea bring them in'. I was totally waiting for a 'whaaaattt???? You need all that for a week!?' but alas, it didn't quite go that way. I'll just have to find something else to get that reaction another time. haha.
Sunday, we spent getting the last of my 'stuff' out of the house. I had a lot of random stuff left over, and then of course the stuff I really would need for the next week. Work clothes, regular clothes, karate stuff, bathroom stuff, undies, shoes, Bella's food and toys, my Magic Bullet blender stuff, my bed sheets and comforter, Bella's bed(s)... and then the stuff that my mom left at the house so I could clean I had to take back to her. We literally spent all day doing that. We didn't get done with everything until around 4PM Sunday afternoon. Needless to say we are both POOPED!!! I'm so thankful Bobby helped so much, he really did so much. Countless trips to the trash, dealt with my indecisiveness on things, took down ceiling fans, dealt with Bella... he was awesome. I'm so lucky to have him. And the whole time he was just concerned with how I was doing, how I was feeling, was my back hurting. He really is just such a blessing in my life.
Now comes to the part where I totally invade the Welch's house. haha. Bobby and I brought over my things and Bella for the most part was okay. She made this little fort under a stool. lol. I feel so bad for my poor doggie. She is such a good little girl and I'm so afraid I'm traumatizing her from this experience. I just wish I could talk to her and have her understand I'm not abandoning her, and that this is just temporary. She keeps looking at me like 'dude wtf? what's going on?' poor thing. So hopefully I can make myself not too much of a pest for the next week, and hopefully everything with the house gets settled so that Thomas can get his room back and everything back to normal. I feel bad kicking him out of his own room =[ I think Bella feels better though that she has her own little space though. She was much more comfortable once I put our things in his room and she could see I wasn't going to just leave her there. Poor Droopy, he just wants to play with her, he's just so big and heavy! haha. His paws are massive and he like hits her but in a playful manner, and I think that's whats upsetting to her. She's used to having the upper hand, but with Droopy he's got so much mass behind him she doesnt have a chance. She plays a bit but I think she ends up getting annoyed and is over the playing. I guess it's good for her to be around other dogs, she needs to be social.
Man, what a weekend...
1 comment:
Girl...... you DIDNT see me when Bobby was bringing in your stuff for real! hehehehe when u were here the other day he said No, all she is bringing is one laundry basket.. then he starts loading in with armfulls! i said ummmmmmmm you said just one laundry basket... he then says ya, one laundry basket OF CLOTHES.... then theres the rest of her "stuff" LOL
Poor Bella..... she would just stay on Thomas's bed if i let her! I go in there in the morning and she is sitting up wagging her tail.. i carry her out and set her on the couch and she sits there.... She is currently sitting on the back of the couch looking at the back door because its open....... Just when she get used to this chaos here you will prob be leaving!
♥ Lisa
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