The last time I had been at FAO Schwarz was when I was about 20. The last time I was there I remember how much fun it was. I remember they had SO many things for you
to do. They had the big piano keyboard on the floor that you could jump on to play music. They had cool rock things you could go through, a sand thing to sift through and find fossils, downstairs when you walked in they had a bar where you could order shakes and stuff, it was really cool! I thought
it would be fun to take Ryan there and let him play for a while. So we get to Cesar’s and walk all the way down to the toy store, and boy has it changed! It still has the big huge horse in the front, but the third story is completely closed off. All of the cool stuff is GONE! They had the first floor full of candy and big stuffed animals and a few random things here and there. The second floor they had completely taken out the cool piano keyboard, but they did add a few arcade games. But other than that the toys were quite sub-par. I was really disappointed. Ryan did find a few things to play with and on, but it wasn't what I was expecting at all. FAO Schwarz must be suffering with this economy just like everyone else I guess. It just really sucks =[

After we left we were right by the place where they do the Atlantis show so we decided to go watch it. It's this mechanical show that comes on every hour, it's just outside where the Cheesecake Factory is. Nothing spectacular but it's kind of neat. Ryan wasn't quite sure what to think of it. He kept asking to go watch 'the movie' again. lol.
Right behind where the show is, they have a big circular aquarium. The fish in it are HUGE! We sat and looked at fish for quite a while. Ryan seemed to really enjoy watching the fish. A big one, that was almost his size would come swimming by, and he would be looking right below or above it, and all of a sudden it would come in his view and he would jump back and get the funniest look on his face like ‘wow!’.
On our way out we saw there was ice cream so I went to check out how much they were. Our poor tourists, I almost feel bad for them. The little gelato shop wanted $8.50 for this teeeeny tiny cup of ice cream. The cup wasn’t bigger than 4 oz. then the most expensive one was almost $20 for a cup that was about 12 or 14oz. I said forget it, we couldn’t have even shared a cheap one and gotten enough for the 3 of us. So we decided to stop somewhere on the way home that we knew was going to not kill our wallet, and that we would definitely enjoy…

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