Bella got fixed last thursday... my poor baby =[ I had to get her fixed because I'm living with Bobby until the house paperwork gets all cleared up, and his mom's dog goes nuts around her. We don't want her having puppies and it's also much better for her health to be spayed. So Bobby took her down. He sent me a text saying she was a fatty because she weighed in at 11.4 lbs. lol. I have to take her off of the puppy food... it's just that she likes it! haha. I went to pick her up when I got off of work and she is always sooooo excited to see me when I haven't seen her all day. They brought her out to me and she just looked at me. She didn't have her tail wagging or anything. They put her in my arms and she was just a big lump of dead weight. I was so upset to see her like that, it was definitely a first. I took her home and on the way she sat on my lap in the car and her eyes just wouldn't stay open. She was falling asleep sitting up.

<~~~ Poooooooor baby =[
So we get home, I put her on our bed and she just laid there. She didn't move, she didn't want to drink water, she didn't want to eat, she didn't want ANYTHING. Just wanted to sleep. So she slept the rest of the day, all night, and the next morning she was a little groggy but awake at least.

Now she's pretty much back to normal. I have to take her in on Sunday to get the stitches out and right now she has an ace bandage wrapped around her to keep her from licking. I felt mean giving her a cone =[ but she hasn't bothered with it. She ran around the night before last trying to scratch it off, it must be healing because she has been trying to itch it by dragging herself across the floor... it's pretty funny. She's been so good throughout all of this. I have the best doggie ever.
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