4th of July this year was spent like the majority of my 4th of July's have been spent for the past 10 years. With my second family. Jen has always graciously had me spend Independence Day with her family every year since I've lived her. This year, was no different. We had a really great day of spending time over at her parents house. The babies wore cute 4th of July outfits, we swam, ate some really great food, and did some fireworks.
Ryan loves his goggles that I got earlier this summer for him. He wears them in the tub, walking around the house, oh and of course, the pool. Haha. Lilly has taken to the pool like a fish. She is just like mommy! She loves to swim. I would put her on the edge of the pool and I'd count to 3 and she would JUMP off into my arms. She was laughing and having an absolute ball. (Like my emerald green pregnancy swim suit?? Sexy, isn't it? hahahha!)
We FINALLY have a kid who likes fireworks!! Ryan has always HATED fireworks. We got him CLOSE last year, but he was still deathly afraid of them. He would only watch them from indoors. He doesn't like the loud boom noises. Well, after a little coaxing this year, he actually was LOVING the sparklers! He was running around asking for more before the ones in his hand had even gone out. Yay! Finally! This year was a blast. We had a great time, Independence day with the Martin clan is always a great time.

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