My baby girl is a whole year old. She has been the most happy baby I've ever seen. Everyone who meets her is captivated by her infectious smile and her all around charming disposition. I am so blessed to have such an amazing child. She is almost walking unassisted. She does sign language for about 15 words including please, thank you, apple, milk, eat, and all done. She loves her doggies and gives them open mouthed kisses every chance she gets. She loves her big brother and doesn't leave his side. She crawls all over the house following him everywhere he goes. Lilly bear crawls like a champ. She points to everything... always pointing.
For her birthday Bobby and I got her a splash table for the back yard. She is absolutely in love with it.
I had been planning her party for months before she turned 1. I came up with a 'Lilly in ONEderland' Theme. Everything was centered around that. I know she doesn't care and will never remember... but I wanted it to be perfect and extra special. I attempted to make her cake. That was a bit of a mommy fail righ there. It tasted great though!
The pictures are a bit out of order... sorry. Blogger makes it kind of difficult, so you're just going to have to get a jumbled account.
This was after the cake. She had it everywhere, so we plopped her in the sink. That didn't go over too well with her. She loves to take a bath, but she isn't used to the sink and I think it scared her. My poor girl was so sad.
And this is after the sink bath. All squeeky clean and in a new outfit. My dad (Papaw) got her this adorable outfit. I just love it.
I got a cute cupcake piniata for the big kids to play. We relied on the honor system in keeping your eyes closed.
I made a croquet court, where you hit the hedgehogs through the giant cards with blow up flamingos. Just like the movie....
We had silly hats for all
Giant cards all over the place
I made this really fun welcome sign by the front door. I worked really hard on this. Marvel at my awesomeness for a minute...
Ah, now we are to the cupcake part. She loved her cupcake, but she isn't a baby that likes to be messy. She was really upset once she realized she had all this stuff all over her. The tears started before she actually got in the sink. She is her mothers daughter that's for sure.

her birthday was a huge success. I couldn't have done it without the awesome help of Lisa with getting the cake done. It turned out much better than I had hoped. Everyone helped me with decorations, as I was pooped being 36 weeks pregnant and trying to get this all together. Lilly had fun, although she won't remember it. I certainly will. She ranked in on clothes that lasted her all summer long. Her brother had fun, and I am pretty sure everyone had a nice time. I hope this next year slows down a bit... she is getting too big too fast!