Tuesday, July 19, 2011

See that handsome boy right there? Yup, he did T-ball this spring. He had a BLAST! My only complaint was the red dirt... but we kept it pretty clean in the cars/house. lol. He had a great season playing for a team called the Braves. It happens to be Uncle Anthony's favorite team as well, so he was SO excited for Ryan to play. He custom made him a helmet for when he bats. It has a cool Braves style A on the front and 'Erdman' on the side. Suffice to say, Ryan had THE coolest gear out of everyone else.

Ryan picked the number 5 this year. Because you know, he's 5 years old now and all. Big stuff. Ryan was so great at T-ball we are all very proud. He can accurately throw, and catch. However, he knew that no one else would catch the ball when he would throw it, so he started getting the ball, and running to first base to get someone out. He got tired of other kids not catching his balls. ;-) The funny thing was when he would be second base and would STILL run the ball to first to get a kid out. Bobby has an awesome video on his phone of him sliding into home. I'll have to see if I can grab it and copy it on to the computer.

The last day they had a nice little party for them with food and drinks, and also handed out these cool litle trophies! It's a bobble head. So stinkin' cute.
We have football coming up in the fall, he says he wants to play. Oh my...

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