Or so he likes to tell everyone. In all actuality, he is a spry 25 years old. (As long as we can keep him out of the surgery room we are good!) I planned a BBQ at the houe for his birthday. I wanted it to be bigger, nicer, and I intended it to have a lot more planning... but honestly? I was just too tired and too pregnant to do so. I'm a bad wife :-( Sorry husband, next year we will make up for both of our birthdays.
The BBQ was, however, a success!! Lots of friends came and celebrated with us. And this year, no dogs ate the cake before the candles got put on it! Yay! I don't remember if I bogged about it (probably not because like this pregnancy, the last pregnancy I barely blogged. I'm blaming it onpregnancy) but Emmett ATE about 3/4 of Bobby's beautiful cake I made last year. Darn dog. I made sure to keep it out of their reach this year. 10 points for me!
So I barely have any pictures, I was busy getting food and what not for people, and thanks to Jen I have a few. Like I said, I'm totally blaming being pregnant on my lack of awesome for this party.

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