Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was very special to me... it was my first year of being a mommy. Bobby has always acknowledged this day for me for being a pseudo-mom to Ryan, and last year I was pregnant, but this year I actually have my own little baby that calls me mom. Being a mommy for the past year has been nothing I would have ever imagined. It has been hard, and trying, and at times I just wanted to lock myself in a closet... but you know what? I wouldn't change a thing. My little girl is THE biggest most amazing blessing I've ever received. She is the light of the world. I'm so blessed. I also am blessed with some of my own awesome mommy's! MY mommy of course, who is amazing. I don't know how she raised us all those years alone without being committed at some point. I'd lose my mind if it weren't for Bobby. I have such a deeper respect for her and the unconditional love she has always had for us no matter what. I have a great mom-in-law who was an amazing parent to my husband, leaving him with a great skills to be a wonderful dad. I also have another 'mom' who I've been blessed to have in my life the past 3 years. She my not be my 'mom' but I look to her in that respect. Lisa is one of the most caring people I think Ive ever met. She and Greg have opened their home to me when they didn't have to. She has supported Bobby and I from the begining, which was a surprise in and of itself. Most of all, she has accepted being a Nana to babies that have no blood relation to her at all, she has no obligation, and yet she adores Lilly and treats her like gold. I can't express how in awe I am of her ability to love and accept.
So to all my mom's Happy Mommy's day
OH I almost forgot, that on Mother's Day, Lilly was dedicated to our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus, in our church! She wore a lovely pink dress that my daddy sent to her. The prayer that day was absolutely beautiful and brought me to sobbing tears. Just beautiful. Grammie, and Nanna came to watch. She loved having people she loves there with her.

Bobby's an old man...

Or so he likes to tell everyone. In all actuality, he is a spry 25 years old. (As long as we can keep him out of the surgery room we are good!) I planned a BBQ at the houe for his birthday. I wanted it to be bigger, nicer, and I intended it to have a lot more planning... but honestly? I was just too tired and too pregnant to do so. I'm a bad wife :-( Sorry husband, next year we will make up for both of our birthdays.
The BBQ was, however, a success!! Lots of friends came and celebrated with us. And this year, no dogs ate the cake before the candles got put on it! Yay! I don't remember if I bogged about it (probably not because like this pregnancy, the last pregnancy I barely blogged. I'm blaming it onpregnancy) but Emmett ATE about 3/4 of Bobby's beautiful cake I made last year. Darn dog. I made sure to keep it out of their reach this year. 10 points for me!
So I barely have any pictures, I was busy getting food and what not for people, and thanks to Jen I have a few. Like I said, I'm totally blaming being pregnant on my lack of awesome for this party.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

See that handsome boy right there? Yup, he did T-ball this spring. He had a BLAST! My only complaint was the red dirt... but we kept it pretty clean in the cars/house. lol. He had a great season playing for a team called the Braves. It happens to be Uncle Anthony's favorite team as well, so he was SO excited for Ryan to play. He custom made him a helmet for when he bats. It has a cool Braves style A on the front and 'Erdman' on the side. Suffice to say, Ryan had THE coolest gear out of everyone else.

Ryan picked the number 5 this year. Because you know, he's 5 years old now and all. Big stuff. Ryan was so great at T-ball we are all very proud. He can accurately throw, and catch. However, he knew that no one else would catch the ball when he would throw it, so he started getting the ball, and running to first base to get someone out. He got tired of other kids not catching his balls. ;-) The funny thing was when he would be second base and would STILL run the ball to first to get a kid out. Bobby has an awesome video on his phone of him sliding into home. I'll have to see if I can grab it and copy it on to the computer.

The last day they had a nice little party for them with food and drinks, and also handed out these cool litle trophies! It's a bobble head. So stinkin' cute.
We have football coming up in the fall, he says he wants to play. Oh my...

Random April Pictures

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lilly 10 Months Old

Lilly is just getting so big. I keep saying that, perhaps trying to convince myself it’s going to just stop. I know, no need to tell me. *sigh* Not happening… A mommy can dream, right? So here is Lilly during the month of April. Trust me, I have a zillion more. I’ll just give you my top 10ish for now. ;-)

She started giving kisses this month... but only does it when SHE wants to. Stubborn girl.
Loves to look at herself in the mirror. Here she is at Karate.

She loves plaing in the doggie cages. She crawled intoBella's, and got stuck. She was not happy. She now sticks to hanging out in the big cage.
She has taken a step. Nothing major. Just one. She bear crawls everywhere. She is darn fast too! Butt up in the air and she is off! I'm trying to teach her the baby sign language. Not doing so well so far... I'll keep you updated.