Bobby and I took the kids to Sea World. ::squeel::
I LOVE Sea World. I went for the first time about 5 years ago and have been itching to go back ever since.
We left Friday after classes, and drove most of the night there. We stayed with Bobby's Aunt Ellen and Uncle Dan, who were amazing. I met them last year when we took Ryan to
Lego Land. They are such nice people.
Dan taught Ryan how to play checkers:

They blew bubbles in the back yard with him

Ellen came with us to the beach

Lilly's first (of many) trip to the beach!
My favorite picture of booger at the beach

Quick funny beach story: Last year we dug a hole. Bobby had to ask Ryan to get in the hole a million times before he did. He FINALLY got in the hole, and the second he sat down, the tide came in and it coverd his whole face. Well, Bobby was quick to grab him out but it startled him and he wouldn't go near that darn hole again. (If you click the link in the begining of the post, you will see the hole). Well, we get to the beach and Ryan says to Bobby 'Daddy, I want to dig a hole again!'. hahahaha! I couldn't believe he remembered the hole! And secondly, I couldn't believe he actually wanted to do it again! Kid cracks me up. Seriously. he is the funniest, sweetest, most loving little boy ever.

It was a little cold. Bobby sat content in his chair. Lol! Ryan didn't care of course. I went in with him a little bit, but I didn't dare get in when Ryan said to me "Lets swim, Hunnie!" It was overcast, but it was still a fun time. I wish we could have gone to the beach a little more this summer, but with Lilly it was too hard. The overcast was really a blessing in disguize, I was really worried about her in the sun with her being so little. Next summer will be a blast with her just begining to walk and Ryan another year older. Can't wait.
Bobby caught a lizard and shared some sweet daddy moments with Ryan:

At first Ryan was a little shy, and Bobby had to coax him to even touch it. Once he held him though he was ON IT. He didn't want to put him down. He was really REALLY sad and upset when we told him he had to put it back. He just wanted to take him home. It was cute. But we explained to him that he needed to be in his home, and then he seemed okay with it.
Sea World itself was awesome. Ryan loved the sharks. He kept asking "Can we see the sharks now???". We kept having to put it off because all the shows are in the begining of the day, and we couldn't miss Shamuu! lol. Ryan liked when they jumped in the air. They had a Cirque De Soleil show where they do acrobatic stuff into the water, and jump and fly in the air. Ryan LOVED that one. He was waving to the performers and everything. Hilarious. He got a really cool crazy hat at the whale show. It lights up in the dark.
Here is the hat. He insisted on pushing Lilly a lot. He wouldn't let anyone else touch the stroller and 'help'. I'd try to sneek in there and steer him to the left or right and he would say 'Hunnie you're touching it!'. Haha!! Yes Ryan, you cought me.
me trying to calm down the baby in the shark aquarium. Which, we did get to by the way.
They had a HUGE play area for the kids. Ryan spent a good portion of the end of the day there.
This thing was AWESOME. I totally wanted to go in and jump. It's a huge area that was just a big inflatable jump thing. It was like 10 bounce houses put together. I wanted to play :-(

Ryan was pretty fascinated by the flamingos.

du nu, du nu, dunu (jaws music) haha
Ryan and his daddy at the shark aquarium

Ellen and Lilly hanging out.
We had a great vacation, and the kids were both angels the whole time. Ryan was a great listener, and helped out a TON with his baby sister. Was very concerned about her the whole time. Lilly slept great (I was worried about her sleeping in a new place, in bed with me.) slept all night and was a trooper. She slept for most of Sea World, which is why there aren't any pictures of her. I took a bunch, but she's sleeping in the car seat. lol. She went in the baby bjorn great and only fussed in the begining while getting used to it. Bobby and I enjoyed ourselves, even though he wasn't a huge fan of the cold beach. He was a trooper though and hung out while Ryan and I had our fun. Successful trip :-)