August 24th marked mine and Bobby's 1 year anniversary of being married.
I know last year when we announced that Lilly was comming, and that we were already married threw some people for a loop. Lets re-cap.
August 24th last year, was one year that we had been engaged. See the post here. It was a really special day to me, not only because we had been engaged one year, but that was the day we went down to the court house and got married. No, there was no white gown, no brides maids or groomsmen. There was no photographer or place cards... it was just him, and me. Now, don't get me wrong. I WILL have my princess wedding. (a much more scaled down version of what I was planning, however). I will walk down that aisle with beautiful flowers in my hands and my daddy on my arm. When? Not sure, but those are just details that can be hammered out later. Right now, we're enjoying our little family, our beautiful children, and all of God's blessings he has bestowed uppon us.
So, this marked our one year anniversary, our 'paper' anniversary if you will. I'm one of those people that likes to go by the book on things. So, we kept it to "paper". I didn't tell Bobby my plans of keeping it to paper, because I didn't want to like 'take over' anything, or force him to do anything a certain way. But you know what? That man... he KNOWS me. Our anniversary was all paper from him. He KNOWS I'm a dork beyond all dorks and would want to stick to what the 'traditional' yearly gifts were. I was shocked. I mean, the man doesn't pay attention to 75% of the stuff I say (I ramble... I wouldn't listen to me either ha!). But I guess he is my husband, and he knows the things I like/enjoy. I'm glad he knew I would enjoy keeping our first anniversary traditional. =]
He came home with beautiful roses and a very sweet card.
Then later, once UPS got to our house, these were delivered. Paper roses to last for the rest of our lives and some happy 1st anniversary 'paper'. hahaha! He asked me if I was going to use it. o.0 oh husband...
The roses are BEAUTIFUL though! And completely paper. I need to go to home goods and get a pretty vase to put them in. I can't wait to look at these roses again in 50 years... to imagine what our life will be, the things we will acomplish, our children be grown and having grand babies for us. Our lives still have so much more... we have so many awesome things to do and achieve still. I can't wait to do all these things with the man I love by my side the whole time.
Oh, and we got to see Mystere! Yay for paper tickets! I totally broke the rules and took pictures... and had my phone taken away. But I didn't delete all the pictures! muahahaha! (they make you delete them to get your stuff back... but I'm a biotch and only deleted some). I'm a rule breaker... whatevs. So enjoy my illegal pictures from Mystere. We got to sit front row, it was AWESOME! Hubs did a great job.
Ok these dudes with the maskes freaked me out. The masks were on the back of their heads.. totally creepy.
This was the guy in the begining of the show telling everyone 'no pictures'. Yea, I listen well...
Prior to Mystere we went to dinner. I wanted mexican food, so we got mexican. Hubs thought it was strange I didn't ask for some place that would have cost over $100, but we had the baby. Granted, I could have left her with Erika, but I just couldn't for that long. So she came with :-)

us @ dinner. She hates her car seat if we aren't actually in the car...
And this was my paper gift to hubs. I know totally not as elaborate as his gifts, but it was fitting
We had a wonderful anniversary.

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