Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Worlds (kinda)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The Best Dam BBQ!
I wanted this yummy looking lemonade, and sent hubs on a hunt for it. (My feet were dunzo). He came back with a crappy minute maid lemonade. ::sigh:: But what he did find were his yucky pickle things that he gets from memphis BBQ. Yea, sure hun, you can search our memphis BBQ but you can't search out the awesome lemonade stand? Fired... ;-)
Anyway, They had a cool big inflatable maze thing for the kids. Best of all, it was F-R-E-E!! Ryan and his buddies from karate all went on it more times than I could count.
Family Outings
Bobby had a couple of surprises for us Saturday morning. Nothing big, but they made for a really good Saturday for us. First we went to the Lake, to feed the fish. These fish were MUTANT fish! Seriously, probably the ugliest things I've ever seen. Here, take a look for yourself.

Mutant fish, no??

The little old man that took our tickets was so cute. He reminded me of my grandpa. Ryan was really excited to give him his ticket, pretty much ran to him and threw his ticket to him.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
San Gennaro
In May the San Gennaro Feast came back to Vegas. I love going to this festival every year. I love the food (duh), I love the rides (although I couldn't ride them this year being pregnant), and I just love everything about it. The Welch clan joined us for the evening and we just really enjoyed ourselves. Ryan had a blast riding all the rides, there were a couple he wasn't quite tall enough for yet unfortunately, but he had a really great time. And that's all that matters :-)
Our goofey little family. I love these boys with all my heart.
and our extended family, without them I think we'd be lost.
Ryan has the best daddy ever.
And the best uncle Tony as well.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Adding a new Perez to the family
The Perez kids
And the 'new' Perez. hehe.