Sunday, May 16, 2010

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting

So, suffice to say that Ryan is a very athletically tallented child. He was riding a scooter by the age of 2 with the grace that some 4 year olds can't even pull off yet. Yes, he is pro. Since the day I've met him, he's been nothing but a little dare devil. He jumps off of things other parents wouldn't dream of letting their child near, with absolutely no fear. He has been around a karate school his entire life. His parents are both multiple times winning world champions in Taekwondo. It's in his blood to be amazing to say the least.

A few weeks ago he wanted to go to a karate tournament. I can't even describe to you in words how incredibly impressed I was in watching him. This child, has so much ahead of him in life. He is SO athletically gifted. I am still in awe of him. I don't know any 4 year old who can do what he does. I've seen one that has come close to his calibur in my years of teaching children his age. ONE. Do you have any idea how many children I have taught that age and have never seen anyone as awesome as him?? Anyway, I'll let the videos speak for themselves. He is truly an amazing child.


FoReVeR WeLcH said...

he is ABSOLUTLY the most AMAZING child i have ever seen.... his abilities nvr stop amazing me!!!!!

Christine said...

I saw you on another blog saying how you can't grow Iris in Vegas. I bet you can grow a really cool succulent garden. Hens & Chicks, sedums, etc. are so cool. We have trouble with the humidity in Savannah, but some still work here. Have you tried that?