First we started out our day with a much needed hair cut! After that, we had to go to Target for a few things. Ryan knows Target. He knows that he gets to hang out under the cart with a new toy. haha! He always says now when he see's toys on TV 'Can we go to Target and get that?'. Does that tell you something about my love affair with Target?

After that the fun really began. We went down to The District and went on the merry-go-round. He saw it and was so excited. Of course, he wanted to ride it about 20 times. They charge $1 per ride! So, we each rode 5 times. Each time, Ryan wanted a new animal. I think he liked the Tiger best. He wanted me to get on an animal every time next to him, I did it once, and man, with this big belly it TOTALLY didn't work that well. After that, I hung out on the bench one that just went around and didn't go up and down, and stood by Ryan snapping a thousand pictures.
Ryan and I decided we wanted some ice cream after our carousell adventure. So, we found a place called USWIRL on the way to our next destination. OMG have you been there? If not, find one, and go. It's frozen yogurt so an even better alternative than icecream to begin with. They have a million flavors on the wall. You get a cup, and then fill it with whatever you want! You can mix and match or just get one solid flavor. After that you pick everything that goes on it. Different fruits, chocolates, sprinkles, tonz of stuff to choose from. They charge you by how much it weighs at the end. It was actually really inexpensive! Ryan had to get the ice cream that came out of #4. Luckily it was something he liked. haha! He pointed to it and exclaimed "Hunnie! It's 4, like me!". And that, sealed the deal for him.
After U-Swirl we went to paint! Ryan walked in and first said "I want to paint a dolphin!" Lo and behold, there were about 3 different dolphins to choose from. He was incredibly excited. Then once we started passing other things he started just picking everything that cought his eye. Next he wanted a micky mouse, then a biiiiig dinosaur. Finally, he settled on a skateboard. He wanted to paint it red and blue he said, and give it to Daddy. So, he did. I added yellow and orange to his choices so he had a bit more variety. Ryan hasn't quite mastered the quality of patience of 'coloring in the lines'. So, he mixed all the colors together and made swirls all over his awesome skateboard. ;-)
After the skateboard was done, he decided he wasn't done painting... and painted his own face.
He and I had a great day together. It was a lot of fun to hang out and play with this amazing little boy. He is incredibly smart, well behaved, and so loving. I am so blessed with such a wonderful little boy.

1 comment:
soooooo CUTE!!!!! And u-swirl ROCKS.. we have one right by us!
Miranda is an addict!
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