Saturday, Bobby's demo team performed before the start of the LV 51's Baseball game. They did so amazing!

We had so much fun. It was a really great night for a game, the weather

was absolutely perfect! A lot of people from the studio came and watched and it was fun to have that karate family feel. Stephanie and Justin came and brought Stephie's parent's. It was nice to meet them. But I was really glad that some of my friends even actually came! Everyone my age is out partying and clubbing on the weekends, so the last place they want to be is at a Baseball game. Lisa and Greg came and brought Ryan, Noah, Thomas, Brandy and Chris and we had a fun time. Ryan kept running back and forth between where we were sitting and Grandma, who was about 8 rows down. He was sure a monkey! Everything went great until the fireworks came. Ryan, is not a fan of loud noises. It just so happened to be right after the tennis ball thing where everyone throws their tennis ball on to the field, and who ever got closest to the shirt won a prize, and Ryan wanted a Tennis ball. He had my hand and was pulling me down to the bottom of the bleachers because he wanted me to go get him a tennis ball... and that's when they turned out the lights. I reached down to grab him and before I could he was already jumping in my arms, as the first set of fireworks had gone off. He stared screaming crying... I felt so bad. So I rushed out to the front where the fireworks were less frightening. We had to stand under the front entrance, he wanted nothing to do with the 'pretties' as he called them. Poor kid. 4th of July is going to be fun this year.... Regardless, we had a great time at the game. Even though the 51's lost.

I think the mascot is an alien...

Ryan playing camera man.

Justin and his cooool 51's hat

Daddy and Ryan playing

Lisa and Greg