Tuesday, October 22, 2013


And this kid wants peanut butter

I just want to finish my hair for the day! Lol

- With love, from my iPhone

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sibling love

They all piled in Lilly's bed and proceeded to try to convince me to let them all sleep there like that for the night. They love each other, and I LOVE to see this and these types of things happening all the time.

Ill catch Ryan in the middle of playing saying things like 'okay lilly, now you chase me!' Or 'Ethan, do you want to play that game again? Ok legs go!' And run off. Lilly is always saying 'come onEthan let's go play!'. I pray they continue with their good relationships with each other.

- With love, from my iPhone

Sweet moments

I live for sweet moments like this. I had been sick as a dog all day last Sunday, and before I went to bed everyone jumped in w me and snuggled for a bit. I love moments like these.

- With love, from my iPhone

Big boy

Well, it happened. My baby boy asked to eat cereal in a bowl, with milk and a spoon finally. He wanted to sit at the table like his sister and eat like her. Look at this monster baby! He is such a stinker!

He's just getting so big so fast. I love how sweet he is. He will wake up in the morning and I walk in his room and he says to me in a soft sweet voice 'hiiii mommy. Good morning!' With the big big smile on his face. I pick him up and he buries his face into my shoulder and squeezes me tight. He loves to cuddle my boy. Loves his mommy. I'm so blessed to have such a sweet hearted little man.

- With love, from my iPhone

Lilly's art

Lilly brought this home from school the other day. She was SO excited to show me! She named all the leaf colors and told me about the owl... She LOVES school so much. She loves her teacher, Miss Lisa, and she is more than eager to go when it's time. I'm so glad she loves school!

- With love, from my iPhone


My niece, Melanie, has a toy dog named 'Gaou'. She named him herself. She is quite attached to this little dog, so when I found him hanging out in our room after they had left the day prior, I decided to get a little creative.

We took this picture and sent it to both Ben and Erika with a message saying 'if you ever want to see your precious Gaou again, bring a large tub of name brand ice cream'

Guess who was at our door less than 30 min later with tubs of ice cream?? Erika! Lol. I love our family.

- With love, from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The 'Bounce house'

My children left me alone for about 30 minutes to blow dry my hair the other day. It was wonderful!!! No crying or screaming or asking for snacks... Just me and my blow dryer!

Then I walked into the hall and saw two very guilty faces looking up at me. The linen closet was open so I went to close it... And wouldn't you know? The whole thing was EMPTY!!! They EMPTIED the hall closet of every towel, blanket, sheet, and wash cloth!! I looked around and didn't see any of it, so I asked 'Lilly, where is all the stuff that goes in here?'. She smiled up at me, eyes bright, and replied, 'Mommy! We have a BOUNCE HOUSE! Come look!' And grabbed my hand and started towards the stairs. Ethan is saying 'mommy, I show you!'. Came downstairs to this. Every towel, blanket, sheet and washcloth in the house was in this pile.

I did what any other parent in that position would have done. I made a castle fort for my kids.

Never a dull moment w these kids. Never. We did have a good afternoon playing in it, and I folded all our sheets, blankets and towels with a happy grin knowing that at least they had fun.

- With love, from my iPhone


This is Lilly pushing Ethan around in the doll stroller today. I laughed so hard. He was even strapped in and buckled. These kids are too funny.

- With love, from my iPhone

Monday, September 16, 2013


I had the great pleasure this morning of doing my hair and make up in peace and quiet! I was shocked the kids went that long without screaming at each other or arguing about SOMETHING. Well, turns out there was a reason.

I walked into the hall and notice they are in the linen closet. I open it wider to see them and see that it is EMPTY!!! I asked what happened and Lilly says 'mommy we made a BOUNCIE HOUSE!!', Ethan echoed 'bounce house' and said 'mon mommy show you!'. I get downstairs and see this.

Ya. That's literally a pile of ALL the blankets, towels, and sheets from the linen closet!!!

We decided to make a fort out of some of what was already out.

That's what I get for thinking I can get ready in peace and not have any consequences. ;-)

-With love, from my iPhone

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bugs, basketball and bowels ... All in one afternoon!

Went to Nana's to say hi. Uncle Tony tortured, I mean played with his babies a bit. ;-). Played some basketball... Tried to put Ethan through the hoop. He wasn't having that. Lol

Ethan is infatuated with bugs lately. Just crazy over watching them. He freaks out if he gets cornered by one though!

Ryan couldn't poop for a few days. He was in tears it hurt him so bad. Nana had an enema... Soooo.... That happened. These are his faces as it was 'going in'. Gross... He was sloshing around on the floor in the juices leaking out of his booty!! He is such a BOY!!! Lol. So gross!!! Then nana had to nick name it the 'enema juice'!! I could have gone the rest of my life just FINE not ever heating those words!!! UUGGHHH gross!!! Lol!

He finally popped. Ill spare you the picture. Boys!!! Lol

- With love, from my iPhone


My friend Danny came home for a couple weeks from Germany! He is in the Army, does EOD. He is SUPER smart. Always has been. We have been friends since I moved here, Sophomore year of high school. He, Shannyn and I have always been pretty close. He is one of the few guy friends who has turned into family over the years. He carried me through calculus in school.... Wouldn't have made it out without him!

He left to go into the military only a couple years after high school. He has been deployed to Afghanistan and has seen and experienced more than I could ever even dream about. I'm really proud of him for what he's done for our country. I'm sure ill never fully understand or know all he has done, but I hope he knows I appreciate and admire him all the same.

He has been in Germany for a couple years now. I haven't seen him since I was pregnant with Lilly. I'm excited he is home and can spend a little time with him before he goes back! We went to Shannyn's Mommy's house (my second mom) and hung out for a few hours. It was nice to get to chit chat with all of them!

Danny and Ethan hit it off. I'm hoping that's smart guy friendship, and that Ethan flocked to him knowing he was a fellow smart guy. ;-)

I'm blessed with some amazing friends. It's not often people are close with their same group of high school friends years and years later.

- With love, from my iPhone

I'm THAT mom...

The one who makes her toddlers match. Yup. Not even going to apologize for this adorableness right here. (They were mad bc they didn't want to go to bed).

- With love, from my iPhone

Ryan's Ice Cream Social

Ryan's PTA had an ice cream night! Free for all families to come and enjoy a bowl of ice cream. I already really like his new school. He seems to be adjusting fine and making friends. His teacher is really great already with communication and is just super nice in general. I'm excited to see how this year goes for him!

- With love, from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


As we left Lake Mead, we stumbled upon this super cool storm in the distance.

- With love, from my iPhone

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Playing Babies

Ethan has been doing this head stand thing. We keep rolling him over as a summersault. He's so adorable.

They brought their blankets out of their beds and into the hall. Lilly got Ethan all tucked in and read him a book. They play so sweetly together. I just love it.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 Year Anniversary part I

Bobby surprised me for our 3 year anniversary. Traditionally, the gift is 'leather'. Well, we filled our 'leather' bags up and jetted off to HAWAII for FIVE DAYS!! It was amazing. We had wonderful family stay with our kiddos, and we had an absolutely AMAZING time in Hawaii. Snorkeled, swam with dolphins and turtles, found some of the most amazing beaches, saw the Dole plantation, did some hiking, had some great food and saw some beautiful historical places and things!This is basically going to be a photo dump and Ill explain as I go in pictures.

We landed and walked a couple miles along the beach. Honolulu beach is SUPER rocky. We found out via the internet that Honolulu beach is actually not even real beach!! it was imported from CALIFORNIA!! WHAAAA??

It sprinkled for about 5 minutes, beautiful rainbow followed.

gorgeous sunset

The next day we were ready to go! We hopped in the car and found us a Jamba Juice. We spent every morning there. Bobby had an amazing Acaii bowl every day. I've made them a million times since, except no Acaii berries :-(. They die and go bad too soon to even ship anywhere. You can only get them frozen on the mainland. I stuck with steel cut oats and berries. 

We found the DOLE plantation! It was super cool. I think Bobby could have done without the stop, but I was super excited for it. On the plus side, Bobby found FLIP FLOPS that he can actually wear and that he loves. He has since voluntarily worn them on numerous occasions. Yay!

Being a monkey. Not surprised.

And this was the death of those shorts. You see, that rock I sat on, had CRAP all on it. I got a big red dot of whatever was on it, on my shorts... My awesome WHITE shorts that I LOVE. Also got a small hole in them on that spot. No big. I tried to sew the hole, I actually got rid of the stain, but then after I sewed them they were never the same. Cest La Vie shorts!

This was Sharks Cove. Beautiful Sharks Cove! We spent the afternoon snorkeling here. It was so amazing and just GORGEOUS. I had so much fun there. And hubby didn't even complain about the water because it was like bath water. 

What Bobby did to this pizza

This was pretty awesome!

They filmed the show 'lost' here! It was super cool to see and spend time on the north west part of the island. The road literally ends and you cannot continue. You have to go back to the middle of the island and go allllll the way around if you want to get to the west side. There are large mountains that you can't pass by road. It was one of the most beautiful places. No one was there. It was majestic.

Aren't the rocks beautiful??

There were crabs EVERYWHERE!! Oh my! it was crazy!! Big ones small ones medium ones... they blended in with the rocks, I was so afraid I was going to step on one! AND THEN, we saw the babies, and they are literally SEE THROUGH CLEAR!

That was day 1 and 2. More to come...