Spring Jamboree this year was bigger than it has ever been! Our wonderful bsiness partner, Karla came out to help us get all together and put on, and we definitely pulled through with a bang this year. We had a really awesome demo performance done by our dedicated and incredibly talented leadership and instructor students. Everyone was super impressed with how well everyone did. I was unable to be there for a lot of it because of the babies :-( but I DID get to see the performance and hellp out a little bit, Lisa watched the kids for a couple of hours so I could be useful at the park. Thanks, Lisa!
It was really really windy, and the men folk had issues putting up our 10 foot sign at first. They boy scouted their way through the problem and got it hung. What would we do without Matt???
Bobby is always so good at pep talks and getting everyone pumped up for their performance
Karla was there to do the job that Bobby hates doing... talking to the crowd! He isn't scared of it, I think he just feels like he isn't sure what he should say. Karla is the queen of socializing and can make anyone smile. She was so great to introduce all of our demo team!
Sunday of the Jamboree was a bit boring, sadly.Not many people came, and it was cold and windy. I was totally bummed since we had gotten Lilly in uniform and everything! But we still spent some time out there and got the kids involved. Next year is going to be even bigger. Can't wait!
Ryan loves his new XMA uniform. Doesn't he look handsome in it?
Lilly was ADORABLE in her little uniform!

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