So Bobby called my instructor and he came ALL the way down to our school from North Las Vegas to present it to me. I have been waiting SO long to get my belt so that Mr. Mattews could be the one to give it to me. I'm so touched that he came so far out of the way to be there for me on such a special day to me. I feel like I've finally reached such a long tearm goal I have had. There is almost an emptiness there. Almost. ;-)
I know I started my Taekwondo journey a lot later than most of my piers in this sport. But I feel I've come a long way and have held my own, despite certain odds stacked against me. I've competed and done well in top 10, and I plan to continue in the competitions and try to achieve another long term goal of becoming a world champion. But that's another post!
We had 2 other students that had come back to taking classes after having a long break. My dear friend Athony who had trained and taught at another school when I was teaching at my first school all those years ago. He decided to come back and take classes, and we were lucky enough that he wanted to come take a class at our school. It's been so much fun hanging out with him again! Leticia came back after having a break. She balances school, work, and karate. While still trying to have a personal life. She reminds me of ME when I was 19... lol. They tested a little later in May and received their belts at the ceremony. I'm so looking forward to learning and perfecting my form with these guys!